Responsories for Advent

This database makes it possible to search for the responsories (singly or in sets) catalogued by René-Jean Hesbert in Corpus antiphonalium officii, vol. 5: Fontes earumque prima ordinatio (Rome 1975) and further organized by Knud Ottosen: L'Antiphonaire latin au Moyen-àge: Réorganisation des séries de répons de l'Avent classés par R.-J. Hesbert, Rerum ecclesiasticarum documenta, extra seriem (Rome 1986).

The search is position sensitive. The programme will search for a responsory (represented by its number in Hesbert's list) only at the place in the series where it is entered in the search template.

Search possibilities

Sundays in Advent

Ember Days

Special responsories

Compiler and programmer: Robert Klugseder
